Invisalign Clear Aligners Rockville

A Clear Solution for Straighter Teeth

Many patients struggle to feel confident about the way they look, especially as it pertains to their smile. This is why Dr. Partovi offers Invisalign clear aligners in Rockville. Designed as a more flexible and subtle approach to orthodontic care, these virtually invisible trays help to realign teeth without the bulky metal spotlight. Give us a call to find out how you can get started with Invisalign.

Tray with Invisalign clear aligners on desk with text that reads Welcome to the Invisalign Family
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Why Choose Susan Partovi, DDS, PC for Invisalign Clear Aligners?

  • Dentist is a Member of the American Academy of Cosmetic Orthodontics
  • Privately-Owned Dental Practice Operating Since 1992
  • Small Team Who Provides Personalized, One-on-One Attention

How Invisalign Works

Blonde woman placing an Invisalign aligner over her teeth

Custom-made trays that are clear and flexible will be created for you to wear for 20-22 hours each day. Placing gentle, continuous pressure on your teeth, the aligners will shift your smile in the right direction so that optimal function and aesthetics are achieved. Using state-of-the-art dental technology to produce comfortable trays, you can expect to wear them for a full 1-2 weeks before swapping them out for the next set in the series.

Benefits of Invisalign

Close up of person placing an Invisalign tray over their teeth

While having braces that are not visibly noticeable to others is a bonus, you will quickly find that the benefits of Invisalign extend beyond their subtle look. In this next section, we’re covering some of the other reasons millions and millions of patients have chosen to straighten their teeth with this discreet orthodontic treatment. So, read on!

Easy Oral Hygiene

Woman smiling while brushing her teeth

Did you have traditional braces as a kid? Do you know someone with traditional braces now? If so, you might know that interproximal toothbrushes, pre-threaded floss, and other special oral hygiene tools are needed to remove debris from the brackets and wires. Luckily, that’s not the case with Invisalign. Since the aligners are removable, completing your oral hygiene regimen isn’t a hassle.

Tip: Keep travel-sized oral hygiene essentials with you so brushing your teeth after lunch is easy!

Freedom to Eat What You Want

Group of friends smiling while enjoying snack in kitchen

Another difference between traditional braces and Invisalign is that the latter doesn’t come with any dietary restrictions! Since the aligners are removable, you’re free to eat all your favorite foods throughout your orthodontic treatment. You can even drink dark-colored beverages like coffee and wine. Just make sure that you take your aligners out first and brush your teeth shortly after.

Tip: To prevent tooth decay from developing, keep your consumption of added sugar to a minimum.

Faster Average Treatment Timeline

Man smiling at reflection in mirror

Typically, patients progress through their series of Invisalign aligners in just 12-18 months. Traditional braces, on the other hand, can take three years or more. Of course, there are several factors that play a role in the length of your treatment plan, like the severity of your case and how well you follow the guidelines provided. Don’t worry – we will provide you with an estimate at your consultation.

Tip: Use the stopwatch on your phone to make sure you’re wearing your aligners for 20+ hours a day.

Improved Comfort

Smiling patient putting on clear aligner

Invisalign aligners aren’t just clear, they are comfortable! That’s largely because there aren’t any brackets or wires. Plus, each tray is custom-made from impressions of your teeth, ensuring that they sit snugly in position without irritating your tongue, lips, and gums.

Tip: If part of your aligner is sharp, cover it with dental wax to avoid soft tissue irritation!

Fewer Check-In Visits

Woman smiling at reflection in handheld mirror

If you’re a busy student, parent, or professional, then you might not have time for monthly orthodontic appointments. There’s good news: Invisalign check-in visits are typically every six or eight weeks instead of every four! That means you’ll spend less time in the treatment chair and more time accomplishing what’s on your to-do list.

Tip: If your schedule is packed, come in during lunch or on Thursday evening; we’re open until 7 PM!

Who Can Invisalign Help?

Invisalign aligners in storage case next to several aligners on table

If crooked teeth, gaps, or bite misalignment are all you can see whenever you look at your smile in the mirror or a photo, you may be eligible for Invisalign treatment. This versatile orthodontic solution can treat all kinds of dental problems, such as:

Crowded Teeth

Close up of mouth with crowded teeth

Tooth decay is just one of the heightened risks associated with crowded teeth. If floss and a toothbrush cannot adequately clean in between teeth, there is a chance that problems could arise. However, with Invisalign, added space is created to ensure better oral hygiene (and aesthetics) as you move through treatment.

Gaps Between Teeth

Close up of mouth with small gap between two front teeth

Having too large of a gap between your teeth can put you at risk for gum disease and cavities because of how easy it is for food and other objects to become lodged. By pursuing Invisalign, these clear aligners can help to bring teeth closer together so that better oral health is attained in the long run.

Bite Alignment

Illustrated mouth with overbite

A slightly misaligned overbite, underbite, crossbite, or open bite can be enough to cause problems for your oral health, such as chronic jaw pain and worn-down tooth enamel. But with Invisalign, the trays can help to move teeth back into proper alignment so that everything inside your mouth works harmoniously together.

Living with Invisalign Aligners

Woman smiling while working at desk in office

You know that the aligners are clear, removable, and effective, but what does day-to-day life with Invisalign look like? Since this topic is something that many of our patients are interested in learning about, we’ve dedicated this next section to covering what you need to know about wearing your trays, cleaning your aligners, navigating mealtimes, and more!

Wearing Your Trays

Man smiling with crossed arms outside

As you know, you need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day in order to stay on track with your treatment plan. To make this feasible, we recommend sticking to a schedule, like 45 minutes for each meal and 15 minutes for oral hygiene. It’s also a good idea to use the stopwatch on your phone to track your wear time, especially toward the beginning of your treatment when you’re still finding a routine that works for you.

Cleaning Your Aligners

Patient using toothbrush to clean aligner

Fortunately, cleaning your aligners only requires a few minutes of your time. Plus, you probably already have everything you need: clean, cool water and a soft-bristled toothbrush! To prevent stubborn stains from surfacing, we recommend rinsing your trays with clean, cool water after you take them out and cleaning them with your toothbrush after each meal. If needed, you can use a mild, clear dishwashing liquid as well, but avoid bleach and any other household cleaners.

Eating & Drinking

Smiling woman snacking on apple in kitchen

Another reason patients love Invisalign is because – unlike traditional braces – there aren’t any dietary restrictions! In fact, there’s really only one rule when it comes to eating and drinking: you need to remove your aligners first (with the exception of water). Of course, as your dental team, we also recommend maintaining a well-balanced diet that’s low in added sugar to help prevent tooth decay and other oral health problems from arising.

Losing a Tray

Man looking for something under couch

If your trays aren’t where you thought they were, do your best not to panic. Instead, try to pinpoint the last place you had them. Then, retrace your steps. In the process, make sure to look in “random” places, like your hamper, your trash bin, and the center console of your car. If you don’t have any luck finding them, then give our Rockville dental team a call to share what happened. We can determine the best way to proceed from there.

Routine Check-Ins

Dentist showing patient image on tablet

Periodically throughout your teeth-straightening journey with Invisalign, you’ll need to come to our office so we can take new scans of your teeth. This process only takes a few minutes, but it provides us with valuable insight into how your teeth are responding to the trays. If you are on-track with your treatment plan, then we will provide you with your next batch of aligners and see you at your next appointment!

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Doctor Partovi smiling next to dental team member sitting at front desk

Orthodontic treatment that doesn’t consist of traditional metal brackets might seem like something that is too far out of reach financially. However, the cost of Invisalign can vary quite a bit from patient to patient, so there is a good chance that you will be able to receive clear aligner treatment without emptying your wallet. Our team members will contact your dental insurance company to determine if you have coverage or what can be done to avoid high out-of-pocket expenses.


Machine analyzing a model of the teeth with dental impressions on nearby screen

To speed up the timeframe, Dr. Partovi is pleased to incorporate Propel. This revolutionary system ensures greater comfort and predictability by helping teeth move more quickly, reducing treatment time by up to 50%. By making small perforations in the bone, they cause inflammation and help to stimulate cells that allow for faster tooth movement.


Dental patient having a dental place an orthodontic device inside of their mouth

As an FDA-approved medical device, VPro is a hands-free appliance that is worn inside the mouth for 20 minutes each day. It can easily fit over clear aligners and minimize the amount of time between trays by up to 50%. The unique technology (SoftPulse) helps to create gentle vibrations that permeate the tooth roots and nearby bone. This quickens tooth movement for faster results.

Invisalign FAQs

Can I Get Invisalign If I’ve Already Had Metal Braces?

Traditional metal braces are a reliable way to achieve a straighter smile, but their results may not last if you neglect to wear your retainer afterwards, which is a device that’s meant to “retain” your teeth in their new positions. Believe it or not, this is something that many patients frustratingly endure – but Invisalign can help! Since every case is unique, you’ll need to undergo an exam first; however, Invisalign can often be an effective countermeasure to this unfavorable tooth movement. Invisalign can also be used to address minor bite problems like overbite and underbites.

How Long Does the Invisalign Process Take?

One reason that patients choose Invisalign is that compared to traditional metal braces, the treatment timeline for Invisalign is generally much shorter. While it will always vary from patient to patient, the average patient wears their aligners for anywhere from six to eighteen months. Minor issues tend to be resolved more quickly, and more complex conditions tend to take longer – but for most, it’s a surprisingly speedy process!

Will Wearing Invisalign Aligners Change How I Speak?

Since your aligners will be covering certain areas of your mouth that are used during speech, it’s possible that you’ll develop a slight lisp at the beginning of your treatment. Don’t worry, though – this slight change shouldn’t last for long, and as you become more accustomed to wearing your aligners, speaking should soon come very naturally, often within a few weeks. To speed up this process, you can practice reading or speaking out loud and repeating words or sounds that give you trouble.

Does Invisalign Come with Any Dietary Restrictions?

One of the biggest advantages that Invisalign holds over traditional braces is the lack of dietary restrictions. If you’ve worn braces in the past or know someone close to you who has, you probably remember the long list of foods that were entirely off-limits like popcorn, jerky, or other hard and tough-to-chew foods. With Invisalign, patients can enjoy practically any type of food they want, as long as they remove their aligners before taking a bite – the aligners can break if they’re worn while eating, not to mention, become stained and dirty!

Does Wearing Invisalign Aligners Hurt?

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign aligners are made from special, durable plastic. However, since they’re carefully sculpted for your mouth’s interior, they’ll feel quite smooth and comfortable to wear over your teeth; plus, they won’t have any sharp or protruding wires and brackets! That said, though they’re considerably more comfortable than metal braces, you’ll still likely feel a little bit of soreness when you begin wearing a new set of aligners. Thankfully, this discomfort is short-lived and can often be easily managed with over-the-counter pain relievers and cold compresses.